Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Install Apache and IIS on Windows


Today we will discuss on a new topic called “Installing Apaches servers on same windows operating system where IIS is running.”

Well, If you are reading this article , it means I guess you would have tried to install Apache and you get the following error while installing:

Just ignore this error and go ahead and install apache. Once you have installed you need to change the port number of the Apache server.

To do this:

  • Now that apache is installed, go to the folder that it was installed to. On my machine it was c:\program files\apache software foundation\apache2.2
  • Go to the /conf folder and open the httpd.conf file (may be named differently in the future or older versions)
  • Find the line “Listen 80″ and change to “Listen 8080″. Save the file.
  • Open a browser and try “″ or “ http://localhost:8080 " and you should get a page that says “It works” (that page is the apache default page).

Please let me know if you have any issues in installing or getting some other error, I will try to troubleshoot.

Please forgive me if the procedure doesn't work for you, I am just trying to help you out. If you have alternatives please post and scrap your feedback and valuable comments to encourage me :-).


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Creating a Simple MSBuild Project


Today I would like to share on creating a simple MSBuild Project for Windows Forms Applications.

Though MSBuild can support for multiple Applications types like Windows Forms Applications, Web Services, Web Applications, Smart Device Applications, Windows services, Console Applications, Hosted Applications. we will work on creating a simple MSBuild project for Windows Form Applications (also called as Smart Clients).

To create a simple MSBuild project follow these steps:

  1. 1. Start Visual Studio, and create a new C# Windows application named MSBuild1.
  2. Accept the defaults, and click OK.
  3. In the Form Designer, drag and drop a new label onto the form.
  4. Set the text of the label to MSBuild demo.

The form should look like :

  1. Click Save and exit.
  2. By Default your project saves under Project folder of Visual Studio 2008 (By default this folder resides at My Documents, e.g: C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Msbuild1)
  3. Now to run this project go to command prompt and change directory to Msbuild1 project folder (E.g :C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Msbuild1\Msbuild1) and type >msbuild.  or type msbuild msbbuild1.csproj and hit enter.
  4. For the first time running the project you will see the following screen.

The above screen provides the following information:

  1. Looking for source target directory.
  2. Compiling the source code.
  3. Building msbuild1.exe in Debug directory.

So the summary is whatever the customization that you would like to do this can be done for msbuild1.csproj file. msbuild1.csproj file contains all information of the project which you want clean. compile,build an exe file and lot more.

Please post your feedback and queries so that I can improve my presentation skills.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Maven Bamboo Interview Questions


Today I would like to share some Questions which were asked me during an interview on Maven and Bamboo.

Maven Questions:

  1. Why maven is a great build tool? how does it differ from other Build tools?
  2. Tell me more about Profiles and Nodes in Maven?
  3. Tell me more about local repositories ?
  4. How did you configured local repositories in different environment (Development, Testing , Production etc)?
  5. What is Transcend Dependencies in maven 2?
  6. Did you wrote plugins in maven? if so what are they?
  7. Why a matrix report is required during a new release?  How does this benefit QA Team?
  8. What are pre-scripts and post-scripts in maven? Illustrate with an example?
  9. What are the checklists for artifacts ? and what are the checklists for source code artifact?
  10. Tell me the experience about Static Analysis Code?

Bamboo Questions:

  1. Tell me more about continuous integration ? How did you configured?
  2. Plugins used in Bamboo?
  3. Tell me more about Bamboo Schedule Options?
  4. How did you configured Bamboo with Subversion?

Configuring Subversion On Windows


Today I would like to share configuring one of the most popular open source version control software called "Subversion".

Subversion is an open source version control software available for windows version.

Subversion can be configured in two way

  1. Using Command Prompt. (Should be available in zip file)
  2. One Click Installer.(Should be available in msi file)


Before you install Subversion there are some pre-requisites :

1) Make sure Apache is already installed , if not, download from here : click here

2) To know wether apache is installed correctly or not make sure by typing http://localhost/ in Internet browser, then the output should be looks similar to the following screen.

Installing Subversion:

  • Get the latest version of Subversion : Click Here
  • Double Click the Setup-Subversion-version number.msi

So far we have successfully subversion in windows.

Integrating Subversion with Apache:

Now we  have to  integrate subversion with Apache, to do this follow the steps:

  • Open Apache Root Directory ( e.g: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\modules)
  • Open Subversion Root Directory (e.g: C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin)
  • Start >> All Programs >> Subversion >> Click On "Readme"
  • Follow the instructions that are mentioned in the Readme.txt file. or follow step 5
  • Instructions are:
  • Create a repository folder name "svn" in C drive.(e.g: C:\svn)
  • Copy, from C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\modules.
  • Add "C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin;" to the SYSTEM PATH

  • Now Restart Apache Services (From Start>> All Programs >> Apache HTTP Server >> Control Apache Server >>Restart.
  • Now go to Start>> All Programs >> Apache HTTP Server >> Configure Apache Server >> click on Edit the Apache httpd.config configuration file.
    1. Uncomment the following two lines:
      #LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
      #LoadModule dav_module modules/
    2. Add the following two lines to the end of the LoadModule section:
      LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/
      LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/
    3. Add the following to end of the file.
      <Location /svn>
      DAV svn
      SVNPath C:\svn
  • To make sure you have installed Subversion correctly go to command prompt and type : svn  --version  .The following output should be appear.

In the Next tutorial we will continue adding project to Subversion and which further can access through localhost.

Please post comments and feedback .
